So far our trip has been wonderful. The drive to Canada wasn't bad at all, I knit and slept for the most part. Yesterday we relaxed after we arrived. Today we went on the Maid of the Mist and ate a Tim Hortons (I'd been wanting to do this for a while!).

My sister and I asked our dad to take us to Shopper's Drug Mart and I was lucky enough to score some GOSH polish on sale for $1.99!

Meet Miss Mole and Miss Sweety. Tonight I think Miss Mole is going on my nails. This is my first time owning/using GOSH nail polish so we'll see how it goes. I might have to go back for more.
Still haven't found any Joe fresh polish but maybe when we go to Toronto I will.
Until next time,
Happy painting!
The Nailventuress
Awesome! Love the picture updates! Can't wait to see em on ur nails.